Parish Council Meetings
Parish Councils in England must hold not less than four meetings each year, one of which must be its Annual Meeting, which has to take place every year in May.
Before every meeting, the Clerk will prepare an agenda which sets out the business of the meeting. The agenda must be made public (such as by the Parish Council posting on its website) at least 3 clear days before the meeting.
The purpose of the agenda is for councillors and the public to know what issues will be discussed and voted on. A council cannot lawfully make decisions on anything that is not on the agenda.
In order for meetings to be quorate, one third of Parish Council members, or 3, which ever is greater, must be present.
Attendance and apologies, with reasons for absence, must be recorded.
Councillors must declare any personal interest they may have in an item to be considered at a meeting. When this happens, the councillor will withdraw from the meeting whilst that item is considered and will not be able to cast a vote.
A councillor is disqualified if he or she does not attend a meeting in 6 months and his/her long-term absence has not been agreed upon by a full parish council meeting.
If a councillor is late or leaves early, a record must be made as this could affect the quorum.
Parish Council meetings must be open to the public and press for observation. However, these may be excluded for part of the meeting if the council resolves that publicity would be prejudicial to the public interest, or for other special reasons stated in the resolution.
All matters coming before a council must be decided upon by a majority of councillors present and voting. Each councillor has one vote (unless they have declared an interest) and must vote in person. The chair has the casting vote if it is required.
Minutes must be kept of all proceedings of a council meeting and these must be made public within 28 days of the meeting taking place. The status of the minutes initially will be 'DRAFT' until the following meeting when they are ratified.
Please use the Agendas & Minutes link on the menu on the left of this page to access agendas and minutes of previous meetings of Boylestone Parish Council from the financial year 2023-24 onwards. The Council Meetings Calendar link provides a facility to search meetings from July 2024 by date using a calendar.
Agendas and minutes prior to 2023-24, and certain other council documents, may be obtained at Archived documents.